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Book Recommendations

Ministering Cross-Culturally

By Sherwood Lingenfelter

The perfect book for an introduction to cross-cultural ministry. Great for short-term teams or first time missionaries before taking a vision tour.

Cross-Cultural Connections

Stepping Out and Fitting In Around the World

By Duane Elmer

A good book for new full-time missionaries and their first few months.

Cross-Cultural Servanthood

Serving the World in Christlike Humility

By Duane Elmer

A good book for old and new missionaries as they finish their first year or anytime while on the field long-term.

Cross-Cultural Conflict

Building Relationships for Effective Ministry

By Duane Elmer

A good book for all long-term missionaries as they begin to make long lasting relationships with nationals.

Leading Cross-Culturally

Covenant Relationships for Effective Christian Leadership

By Sherwood Lingenfelter

A great book for a long-term missionaries as they raise up nationals to lead the church in cross-cultural context.

Leading Across Cultures

Effective Ministry and Mission in the Global Church

By James E. Plueddemann

A great book for a long-term missionaries as they raise up nationals to lead the church in cross-cultural context.