(714) 747-1684 info@eote.org

Prayer Requests

Ends of the Earth Ministries

In South Sudan:

Please continue to pray for the nation of South Sudan. Decades of Civil War have collapsed the economy, resulting in mass starvation and desperation. Hopelessness and violence run rampant throughout communities.

Pray for our 500 students that are being daily discipled in the love of God and His Word, so they may lead their nation Into a new season of hope.

Pray for the 75 children and young adults in our children’s home and for the Missionary parents that are laying down their lives to provide peace and unconditional love to these precious ones.

Please pray for the new churches in the Tauso & Taposa villages. Pray that the pastors and medical staff will have the spiritual and physical tenacity to handle the countless challenges while living amongst Stone-Age tribes.

In Kenya:

Pray for the refugee students in our missionary training college in the Kakuma Refugee Camp. They are fasting and praying as they prepare to return to South Sudan to begin reaching cities across the border in North Sudan, with hopes to plant churches amongst Muslim peoples in 2020-21.


Pray for the Missions Equip Training Programs. We are in the throws of launching two new schools this year.

The first – International School, will be used in Bible Colleges as a complete missions training course.

The second – Transformation, is a cross-cultural immersion training program, equipping missionaries to assimilate into their new culture while learning the language and world view.

Pray that God would continue to empower, envision and sustain us as we seek to establish nationally led, culturally relevant, biblical-based churches among unreached peoples.

Yours for the unreached,

Pastor Rob Douglass